
  1. 3. What stores water and nutrients.
  2. 4. What pulls the chromatids apart.
  3. 7. What happens to a plant cell in a hypertonic solution.
  4. 10. Which protein is a chemical messenger.
  5. 11. What controls all cell activities.
  6. 13. What part of the brain controls balance and muscular co-ordination.
  7. 14. What seals a gene of interest into a plasmid.
  8. 15. What gene is inserted into the plasmid?
  9. 17. Chromasomes line up along the what?
  10. 19. What conditions do enzymes work best at?
  11. 20. What type of cell lacks a nucleus.
  12. 21. What would happen to an animal cell in hypertonic solution.
  1. 1. Enzyme activities altered by PH and what?
  2. 2. What controls the enrty and exit of substances.
  3. 5. What are cell walls made of.
  4. 6. Where does feremntation occur?
  5. 7. What are the lolipop looking like structures in a cell membrane.
  6. 8. What is the DNA structure reffered to.
  7. 9. What is the name of the green pigment found inside chloroplasts.
  8. 12. Which base is opposite from Thymine.
  9. 16. Enzymes bind to what?
  10. 18. What type of stem cells can turn into all tissue types.