
  1. 3. ATP is needed for ...processes
  2. 6. the site of chemical reactions
  3. 7. the spindle fibres pull apart... in motosis
  4. 11. in mitosis the nucleur membrane always...around the chromotids
  5. 13. gives cells shape and structure
  6. 14. an animal cell in pure water
  7. 16. glucose is made into ... during the first step of respiration
  8. 17. where are cromosomes located in a cell
  9. 18. there are ... types of bases in DNA
  10. 19. the cell membrane is made up from phospholipids and...
  1. 1. a plant cell in 20% sugar solution
  2. 2. is required for active transport
  3. 4. substrates break into ... during degradation
  4. 5. the movement of water
  5. 8. where protein synthesis takes place
  6. 9. site of photosynthesis
  7. 10. .....cells lack a nucleus
  8. 12. active sites can be found on...
  9. 15. stores water and nutrients