
  1. 5. chemical reaction using energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide & water into glucose & oxygen
  2. 6. green pigment found in plants
  3. 10. folding of the inner membrane into the matrix of the mitochondria. Increases the total surface area of the inner membrane
  4. 13. a site for assembling protein & RNA that later forms ribosomes
  5. 14. 'power house'
  6. 15. endoplasmic reticulum no ribosomes attached
  7. 16. endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes attached
  8. 17. functions to coordinate cellular activity- contains DNA
  9. 18. genetical material; contains instructions written in a chemical code for production of proteins
  1. 1. small structure (in cells) that builds amino acid into complex proteins- not bound by a membrane
  2. 2. bacteria & archaea
  3. 3. containing highly organised fluid material with dissolved substances; excluding the organelles
  4. 4. cytosolic fluid dissolved throughout the materials & organelles between the plasma & nuclear membrane
  5. 6. structure made of a DNA molecule
  6. 7. acids nitrogen containing compound that is the building block of proteins
  7. 8. membrane boundary of all living things & regulates movements in and out of the cell
  8. 9. apparatus package and store substances into vesicles in preparation for their release
  9. 11. animal, fungi, protists & plant cells
  10. 12. microtubules & microfilaments within a cell that supports & gives shape