
  1. 3. (Last name only) Discovered "little animals" he called animalcules, which were single cell organisms.
  2. 4. An organism containing multiple cells
  3. 7. Hooke First to observe plant cells, as well as coining the term "cell"
  4. 8. Part of the nucleus, creates ribosomes
  5. 9. Protozoa, Animals, Fungi, and Plants are all _______ cells
  6. 12. These move and transport proteins and materials from one place to another (within the cell) typically to the Golgi Body.
  7. 14. Parts in the cell that play different roles to keep it alive and functioning
  8. 16. Plant and Algae cells have this, which protects, supports, and structures the cell.
  9. 18. Contains ribosomes that create proteins for the rest of the cell
  10. 19. Organelle that sorts and packages proteins/materials to ship OUT of the cell
  11. 20. The control center of the cell
  12. 21. The organelle that breaks down excess or old cell parts, as well as destroying viruses and bacteria.
  13. 23. The powerhouse of the cell
  14. 24. Bacteria/Archaea cells are _______ cells
  1. 1. / A network of fibers in the cytoplasm that helps the cell maintain structure.
  2. 2. A protective barrier between the cell and outside
  3. 5. The collective organelle, which is split into to two parts (rough and smooth)
  4. 6. This organelle make proteins by translating and linking amino acids.
  5. 10. A single cell organism
  6. 11. The basic unit of life
  7. 13. The space inside the cell is filled with organelles and _____.
  8. 15. An energy converting organelle only found in plants and algae
  9. 17. An evidence based hypothesis that explains the cell and cell function.
  10. 22. An organelle that makes hormones and lipids