  1. 1. are the chemical colored compounds that absorb light.
  2. 7. the process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight and uses it to make food.
  3. 8. the third phase in mitosis.
  4. 9. threadlike chromatin in the nucleus condenses to form these double-rod structures.
  5. 11. the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus.
  6. 13. a rigid layer of non-living material that surrounds the cells of plants and some other organisms.
  7. 14. an organism that cannot make its own food.
  8. 20. an organism that makes its own food.
  9. 23. receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the endoplasmic reticulum, package them, and distribute them to other parts of the cell. Think of a mail room.
  10. 25. an instrument that makes small objects look larger.
  11. 26. function as “factories” to produce proteins.
  12. 28. acts as the “brain” of the cell.
  1. 2. the second stage of the cell cycle.
  2. 3. a widely accepted explanation of the relationship between cells and living things.
  3. 4. the second phase in mitosis.
  4. 5. carry out specific functions within a cell.
  5. 6. are the main photosynthesis pigment in chloroplasts.
  6. 10. small openings in the underside of plants.
  7. 11. are the basic units of structure and function in living things.
  8. 12. the fourth and final phase in mitosis.
  9. 15. “passageways” that carry proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another.
  10. 16. the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo.
  11. 17. are the “storage” areas of cells.
  12. 18. known as the “powerhouses” of the cells.
  13. 19. the first phase in mitosis.
  14. 21. the makes an exact copy of the DNA in its nucleus.
  15. 22. are small, round structures containing chemicals that break down certain materials in the cell.
  16. 24. the first stage of the cell cycle.
  17. 27. controls what substances come into and out of a cell.
  18. 29. the final stage of the cell cycle.