- 5. The basic unit of structure and function of life
- 6. large saclike membrane enclosed structures used to store materials
- 8. works together with the ribosomes to create proteins
- 10. convert the chemical energy stored in food into a useable form of energy for the cell
- 11. strong outer layer that supports, shapes, and protects the cell
- 13. small dense area in the center of the nucleus
- 14. the movement of particles from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration
- 16. small membrane enclosure, temporarily store materials as they move between areas of the cell
- 17. portion of the cell outside of the nucleus
- 18. the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
- 20. a german botanist, concluded that all plants are made of cells
- 24. network of protein filaments that support the cell internally
- 27. the force exerted on a cell by the movement of water
- 28. cells use proteins as a pump to move molecules across the membrane even if it is against the concentration gradient.
- 30. package proteins into vesicles
- 31. cells that do not contain a nucleus
- 33. create proteins
- 35. The process in which the cell engulfs material into a pocket created by the cell membrane
- 36. small organelles filled with enzymes
- 37. Large membrane-enclosed organelle that contains DNA
- 1. the concentration of the solute is higher outside of the cell than inside the cell
- 2. flexible outer layer that controls what enters and exits the cell
- 3. contains enzymes that are used in lipid synthesis and detoxification of drugs
- 4. structures that perform specific functions for cells. Act as miniature organs
- 7. a german biologist concluded that all animals are made of cells
- 9. the concentration of water and the solute are equal on both sides of the membrane
- 12. the concentration of the solute is lower outside the cell than inside the cell
- 15. particles that cannot diffuse through the membrane on their own diffuse along specific protein channels
- 19. capture energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy stored in food
- 21. Cells that contain a nucleus
- 22. a state of relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions
- 23. a dutch businessman, was the first person to observe living cells in pond water
- 25. specific pathways for water to travel
- 26. hair like structure used to move the cell
- 29. an English monk first discovered cells using a slice of co
- 32. A summary of Schleiden and Schwanns’ work
- 34. a vesicle surrounding the material attaches to the membrane and releases its contents outside of the cell