Cells and Organelles

  1. 3. jelly-like fluid inside cells where the organelles are able to move and interact
  2. 7. the endoplasmic reticulum is like a ____________ system, cell "highways" used deliver important materials to cell parts
  3. 8. an infectious agent that can only replicate using a living host
  4. 10. a type of cell containing a nucleus
  5. 12. to be "alive" means the ability to perform a job, grow and develop, react to stimuli, and ______________
  6. 13. a large storage container for water used by plant cells (called vesicles in animal cells)
  7. 15. used by plant and animal cells to protect the cell from invaders
  8. 16. breaks down food and recycles worn-out cell parts with enzymes
  9. 17. any living thing, composed of one or more cells
  10. 18. contains DNA and other instructions for the cell and its parts
  11. 20. the apparatus, or set of parts, that prepares and packages proteins for the cell
  1. 1. a set of scientific explanations accepted as true because they have been tested
  2. 2. only plant cells have them to help them keep their structure
  3. 3. green organelles used by some plants to make food from sunlight
  4. 4. a type of cell without a nucleus, usually a unicellular organism
  5. 5. the cell's source of energy, which it gets from the chemical energy stored in food
  6. 6. a specialized part of a cell with a specific function
  7. 9. small dense region within most nuclei in which the building of proteins begins
  8. 11. tiny particles in the cell that produce proteins; some stick to the endoplasmic reticulum
  9. 14. small storage containers for water used by animal cells (called vacuoles in plant cells)
  10. 16. cell theory says all cells come from other cells, and they are the smallest units of ______________
  11. 19. the "building blocks" of life