Cells-Organ Systems

  1. 3. a cells "organs"
  2. 4. bones
  3. 5. jellylike material in cell
  4. 9. brain of the cell
  5. 10. smallest unit of life
  6. 13. skin and lining of organs
  7. 14. powerhouse of cell
  8. 15. makes food for plant cell
  9. 17. bones and cartilage
  10. 18. cells storage
  11. 19. brain and spinal cord
  1. 1. protects plant cells
  2. 2. wicked small
  3. 3. any living thing
  4. 6. group of cells working together
  5. 7. allows you to move and flex
  6. 8. system that has lungs and breathing
  7. 11. protects all cells
  8. 12. eating food
  9. 16. group of tissue working together