
  1. 1. (2 words) only in plant cells, supports and protects
  2. 3. material that holds organelles
  3. 4. control center of the cell
  4. 9. saw single cells under a microscope
  5. 10. transports materials around the cell
  6. 13. site of cellular respiration
  7. 14. (2 words) surounds nucleous, selectively permeable
  8. 16. where dna is bound with proteins
  9. 19. a group of orgnans (2 words)
  10. 21. (2 words) packages and secretes materials
  11. 22. all animals are made of cells
  12. 24. storage area
  1. 1. only in plant cells, site of photosynthesis
  2. 2. digests waste in the cell
  3. 5. all plants are made of cells
  4. 6. lacks organelles \
  5. 7. (2 words)outer boundary of the cell, selectively permeable
  6. 8. discovered nucleous
  7. 11. has all its organelles
  8. 12. only in animal cells, cell division
  9. 15. in nucleous, where ribosomes are made
  10. 17. group of tissue
  11. 18. site of protein synthesis
  12. 20. group of cells
  13. 23. baic building matter of life