- 1. (2 words) only in plant cells, supports and protects
- 3. material that holds organelles
- 4. control center of the cell
- 9. saw single cells under a microscope
- 10. transports materials around the cell
- 13. site of cellular respiration
- 14. (2 words) surounds nucleous, selectively permeable
- 16. where dna is bound with proteins
- 19. a group of orgnans (2 words)
- 21. (2 words) packages and secretes materials
- 22. all animals are made of cells
- 24. storage area
- 1. only in plant cells, site of photosynthesis
- 2. digests waste in the cell
- 5. all plants are made of cells
- 6. lacks organelles \
- 7. (2 words)outer boundary of the cell, selectively permeable
- 8. discovered nucleous
- 11. has all its organelles
- 12. only in animal cells, cell division
- 15. in nucleous, where ribosomes are made
- 17. group of tissue
- 18. site of protein synthesis
- 20. group of cells
- 23. baic building matter of life