
  1. 2. within nucleus,where ribosomes are made
  2. 4. movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration
  3. 6. storage area in cell for water,food,or waste and larger in plants
  4. 7. the movement of materials out of the cell at the cell membrane
  5. 8. paging and secreting of proteins out of the cell parts
  6. 13. the conc. of the substances in solution<conc. inside the cell,water moves into the cell
  7. 16. surrounds nucleus it is selectively permeable
  8. 20. it allows certain materials to pass thru it
  9. 21. the shrinking of the cell membrane
  10. 22. watery material inside cell, holds organelles
  11. 24. taking in of a liquid molecule
  12. 25. control center for the cell processes contains DNA and RNA (genes)
  1. 1. basic building blocks of life
  2. 3. the cell engulfs a substance outside the cell and surrounds it with the cell membrane
  3. 5. conc. of dissolved substances inside=outside of cell
  4. 9. light energy is changed into chemical energy in the form of sugar
  5. 10. has enzymes which digests waste and worn out cell parts
  6. 11. site of protein synthesis they are free or attached to the ER
  7. 12. power house of the cell
  8. 13. the conc. of substances in solution>conc. inside the cell,water moves out of the cell
  9. 14. movement materials across the membrane which requires the expenditure of energy
  10. 15. outer cell boundary allows certain materials to move into and out of the cell
  11. 17. taking in of a solid particle
  12. 18. rigid structure outside cell membrane supports and protects the plant
  13. 19. for cell division
  14. 23. the diffusion of water