
  1. 2. is the organelle that controls all the activities within the cell
  2. 6. carry proteins, nutrients and water into, out of and around the cell (functions like a mail system)
  3. 9. are the building blocks for a variety of structures in the cell
  4. 10. the total of all the chemical reactions in the cells
  5. 12. sorts the proteins and packs them into membrane-wrapping structures called vesicles
  6. 15. a jelly-like substance that obtain organelles, water and other life-supporting materials
  7. 16. are the energy producers of the cell
  8. 19. is the cell structure that carries out functions to ensure the cell's survival
  9. 20. the basic unit of living things
  10. 24. refers to the amount of substance in a given space
  11. 26. also called the cell membrane, allows some materials to pass through but keeping others out
  12. 27. are a type of cell whose organelles are surrounded by membrane
  13. 28. are temporary storage compartments that sometimes stores waste
  1. 1. is the diffusion of water particles through a selectively permeable membrane
  2. 3. contains a digestive chemical that breaks down food particles, cell waste and worn-out organelles
  3. 4. surrounds the cell membrane and gives the plant cell a regular, box-likes shape, also protects the cell membrane
  4. 5. traps the energy from the sun and changes it into chemical energy
  5. 7. are the type of cell whose organelles are not surrounded by membranes
  6. 8. is the network of membranes-covered channels
  7. 11. is the chemical reaction that takes place when carbon dioxide and water react in he presence of sunlight to make glucose and oxygen
  8. 13. have three different shapes cocci, bacilli, and spirillc and are prokaryotic cell
  9. 14. the chemical energy that we take in through food is changed into the energy the cells use to carry out their activities
  10. 17. protects the cell and regulates the particles in and out of the cell
  11. 18. is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
  12. 21. in cells, there are an equal number of particles on both sides
  13. 22. also called deoxyribonucleic acid which carries the heredity info
  14. 23. manufactures proteins
  15. 25. not alive, are tiny, non-living particles that reproduce only inside a host cell