
  1. 7. The tiniest structural/functional part of an organism; consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus in a membrane; unicellular
  2. 9. Group of tiny unicellular organisms that lack organelles and an organized nucleus
  3. 11. "Highway" of the cell
  4. 12. Pathway into the cell for small particles and fluid
  5. 14. "Conveyor belt" organelles
  6. 16. Proteins made by the cell are modified by ?
  7. 19. What plants and animals are made of that contain their cells and such
  8. 20. Parts within a cell
  9. 22. Maintains homeostasis
  10. 24. During mitosis, separates chromosone pairs
  11. 25. An organism whose cells have a nucleus surrounded by a membrane and DNA is bound by proteins into chromosones
  12. 27. Storage for food, water, and toxic waste
  13. 28. Group of organs working together
  14. 29. "Brain" of the cell (controls activity)
  15. 30. Supports and protects the cell
  1. 1. Breaks down and gets the important parts from starch
  2. 2. Transports and makes proteins
  3. 3. Transports elements from the ER to the Golgi Body
  4. 4. "Powerhouse" of the cell
  5. 5. Makes proteins
  6. 6. Organizes microtables
  7. 8. Digests food/waste
  8. 10. Controls material going in/out of the nucleus
  9. 13. An organism made of one cell that doesn't have a membrane-bound mitochondria or any membrane-bound organelles
  10. 15. Cell in a plant that makes leaves green and does photosynthesis
  11. 17. An infection made of a molecule in a protein coat that can only multiply in the living cells of a host
  12. 18. 1 All living beings are made of cells 2 All cells come from other cells 3 Cell is the basic unit of structure for organisms
  13. 21. Makes ribosomes
  14. 23. An important self-contained part of an organism
  15. 26. Jello-like substance that surrounds organelles