- 7. The tiniest structural/functional part of an organism; consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus in a membrane; unicellular
- 9. Group of tiny unicellular organisms that lack organelles and an organized nucleus
- 11. "Highway" of the cell
- 12. Pathway into the cell for small particles and fluid
- 14. "Conveyor belt" organelles
- 16. Proteins made by the cell are modified by ?
- 19. What plants and animals are made of that contain their cells and such
- 20. Parts within a cell
- 22. Maintains homeostasis
- 24. During mitosis, separates chromosone pairs
- 25. An organism whose cells have a nucleus surrounded by a membrane and DNA is bound by proteins into chromosones
- 27. Storage for food, water, and toxic waste
- 28. Group of organs working together
- 29. "Brain" of the cell (controls activity)
- 30. Supports and protects the cell
- 1. Breaks down and gets the important parts from starch
- 2. Transports and makes proteins
- 3. Transports elements from the ER to the Golgi Body
- 4. "Powerhouse" of the cell
- 5. Makes proteins
- 6. Organizes microtables
- 8. Digests food/waste
- 10. Controls material going in/out of the nucleus
- 13. An organism made of one cell that doesn't have a membrane-bound mitochondria or any membrane-bound organelles
- 15. Cell in a plant that makes leaves green and does photosynthesis
- 17. An infection made of a molecule in a protein coat that can only multiply in the living cells of a host
- 18. 1 All living beings are made of cells 2 All cells come from other cells 3 Cell is the basic unit of structure for organisms
- 21. Makes ribosomes
- 23. An important self-contained part of an organism
- 26. Jello-like substance that surrounds organelles