Cellular Processes Cellular Respiration

  1. 2. now referred to as the citric acid cycle it produces ATP, CO2, NADH, and FADH2 when oxygen is present.
  2. 4. a simple carbohydrate/sugar that is broke down in glycolysis to produce energy.
  3. 6. the abbreviation for electron transport chain it occurs within the mitochondria and NADH and FADH2 electrons are transported across the membrane where oxygen accepts them to create WATER and ATP.
  4. 8. a by product produced by humans and other organisms when oxygen is not present and energy is needed in the cell.
  5. 9. a by product that is produced in a type of fermentation. As adult human's over the age of 21 we can legally buy this product.
  6. 10. the powerhouse of the cell where aerobic respiration occurs.
  1. 1. the breakdown of glucose into pyruvate that results in the production of ATP and NADH
  2. 3. a process that happens after glycolysis when oxygen is not present in some organisms lactic acid is formed in others alcohol is formed.
  3. 5. cellular respiration that is done with oxygen present producing many ATP.
  4. 7. the abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate a high energy bond composed of a nucleotide and 3 phosphates