Cellular Respiration

  1. 2. allows the release of large amount of chemical energy
  2. 6. utilized in organic compound breakdown
  3. 8. four-carbon molecule
  4. 9. pyruvic acid
  5. 10. major energy source
  6. 13. citric acid cycle
  7. 14. source of essential energy
  8. 16. NAD+ with hydrogen
  9. 18. oxygen-dependent
  10. 20. net yield ATP per glucose molecule
  1. 1. respiratory system organs
  2. 3. in the cytoplasm
  3. 4. oxygen transported to the cells
  4. 5. gas entry and exit
  5. 7. membrane-bound
  6. 11. exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide
  7. 12. three carbon atoms
  8. 15. hydrogen ion transport
  9. 17. projections of inner membrane
  10. 19. final catabolic process product