cellular respiration

  1. 2. metabolic processes that requiers energy
  2. 3. the energy that cellular respiration creates
  3. 5. Location of glycolysis in the cell
  4. 7. glucose+ _____ = carbon+water+ATP
  5. 8. what moves along the mitochondrial membrane from one protein to another
  6. 9. How many steps are in Cellular respiration
  7. 10. glucose is broken down to create energy (no space)
  8. 12. first step of krebs cycle (no space)
  1. 1. three stages of cellular respiration are glycolysis, electron transport, and __________ (no space)
  2. 3. absence of oxygen
  3. 4. produces 32 ATP
  4. 6. where cellular respiration occurs
  5. 11. the bond of the last 2 phosphates breaks in ATP & becomes ____