Cellular Respiration

  1. 2. a group of atoms bonded together
  2. 4. moleecule made up of amino acids
  3. 5. to make
  4. 6. electron carrier involved in glycolysis
  5. 10. class of naturally occuring compounds
  6. 11. process that does not need energy
  7. 15. a colorless, odorless gas
  8. 16. the first set of reactions in cellular respiration
  9. 17. amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree celcius
  1. 1. process that produces energy by dissolving food molecules, such as glucose, in the presence of oxygen
  2. 3. a subgroup of compounds also known as lipids
  3. 7. involving or requiring oxygen
  4. 8. process where cells release energy when there is no oxygen
  5. 9. innermost mitochondrial compartment
  6. 12. the ability to do work
  7. 13. the second set of reactions in cellular respiration
  8. 14. a type of sugar that is essential for living organisms