Cellular Respiration and Digestion

  1. 6. This is cellular respiration without oxygen.
  2. 7. The molecule that contains stored energy that is released during cellular respiration.
  3. 8. The first stage of cellular respiration occurs here.
  4. 9. The part of the body where the first steps of digestion occur.
  5. 10. This is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
  6. 12. The second stage of cellular respiration occurs here.
  7. 13. When food is broken down into very small pieces, it moves from the stomach into this body part.
  8. 14. The energy molecule made during cellular respiration.
  9. 15. This element is necessary for cellular respiration to take place.
  1. 1. the source of energy for photosynthesis.
  2. 2. During digestion, this part of the body releases strong acids to help break down food.
  3. 3. The process that produces glucose.
  4. 4. The process that breaks down glucose to create ATP.
  5. 5. This stage of cellular respiration releases the majority of the energy that will be released in cellular respiration.
  6. 8. ______ and water are reactants in the photosynthesis reaction.
  7. 11. The organelle where photosynthesis occurs.