Cellular respiration (mitochondria)

  1. 1. product of fermentation in many cells
  2. 4. Reaction in which pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide and water that extracts and creates ATP
  3. 6. Process that requires oxygen
  4. 8. a procces that creates energy by breaking down glucose in food with the help of oxygen
  5. 9. A chemical bond linking a phosphate to another part of a molecule
  6. 10. reaction in which a molecule of glucose is broken into two Pyruvic acid molecules and a little ATP energy
  1. 2. Procces that does not require oxygen
  2. 3. Breakdown of carbs by enzymes, yeast, and mold through anaerobic means
  3. 5. process in which a series of reactions transports reactions across across the thyklaoid membrane and produces ATP
  4. 7. Inner mitochondrial membrane that carries out ETC reactions