Cellular Transport Processes (Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport)

  1. 2. An _____ transport process involves movement of substances with the expenditure of energy.
  2. 3. Water molecules are absorbed into a root hair cell via this process.
  3. 6. A _____ transport process involves movement of substances without the expenditure of energy.
  4. 7. Osmosis is a _____ transport process; no energy is required.
  5. 8. A _____ (reject: semi) permeable membrane allows some substances to pass across but not others.
  6. 10. The ______ of a solution refers the amount of solute that has dissolved in a solvent. (common units are M or mol per dm3)
  7. 13. An example of a partially permeable membrane in cells is the _________ membrane (also known as cell membrane).
  8. 14. The process where there is a net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
  9. 15. An animal cell becomes ______, when placed in a surrounding solution of lower water potential.
  10. 18. A plant cell becomes _____, when placed in a surrounding solution of lower water potential.
  11. 19. An example of active transport is the ______ of mineral ions in the root hair hair cell.
  12. 22. A plant cell becomes _____, when placed in a surrounding solution of higher water potential.
  1. 1. The vacuole of plant cells contain _____ _____.
  2. 3. The process where there is a net movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential.
  3. 4. An example of a non-living structure that functions as a partially permeable membrane is a ______ tubing.
  4. 5. Diffusion is a ________ transport process; no energy is required.
  5. 6. The process when a plant cell becomes plasmolysed.
  6. 9. A concentration ______ exists between two regions of different concentrations.
  7. 11. Avoid simply using the term "movement" in this chapter, but "____ movement"; this refers to the overall movement of particles
  8. 12. Osmosis involves the movement of ________ molecules only.
  9. 16. Active transport moves particles/substances _____ a concentration gradient.
  10. 17. This refers to the turgidity of plant cells.
  11. 20. An animal cell will _____, when placed in a surrounding solution of higher water potential.
  12. 21. When two solutions have the same water potential (thus same concentration), they are known as ______ solutions.