- 2. high blood pressure
- 4. the formation of blood inside a blood vessel
- 8. a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.
- 10. Fast, rapid (prefix)
- 13. an infection in any part of the urinary system, including the kidney, bladder, and urethra.
- 15. Upon, over, above (prefix)
- 20. a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the nervous central system
- 22. a virus that attacks the immune system and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- 25. between, among (prefix)
- 26. Away from, down (prefix)
- 30. after behind (prefix)
- 31. blood condition (suffix)
- 32. many, much (prefix)
- 33. a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways
- 34. two, double (prefix)
- 35. a surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and a tube is inserted into the windpipe to help with breathing
- 37. a bacterial infection that primarily affects the lungs.
- 38. swelling tumor (suffix)
- 40. a group of lungs diseases that make it difficult to breathe.
- 41. severe lung condition that can occur in response of injury or infection
- 1. a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damages the joints
- 3. a loss of bladder control, resulting in the accidental release of urine
- 5. within, inside (prefix)
- 6. slow
- 7. Abnormal, difficult, painful (prefix)
- 9. Within, inner (prefix)
- 11. a disruption in blood flow to the brain that can cause damage to brain tissue
- 12. a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement and coordination
- 14. new (prefix)
- 16. a mosquito biome virus that can cause fever, rash, joint pain, and other symptoms.
- 17. a condition characterized by weak, brittle bones
- 18. a group of disease characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
- 19. Across, through (prefix)
- 20. Large great (prefix)
- 21. a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort. (abbreviation)
- 23. small, minute (prefix)
- 24. a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels
- 27. a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon
- 28. below normal, deficient (prefix)
- 29. Excessive, above normal (prefix)
- 36. visual examination (suffix)
- 39. against or opposite of (prefix)