Ch 1-3 Puzzle

  1. 2. _________ Law are laws that developed through court decisions rather than statutes; judge-made law.
  2. 5. A written body of rules of conduct applicable to all members of a defined community, society, or culture that emanate from a governing authority
  3. 6. The union of intent and act in criminal law.
  4. 8. Unlawful entry accompanied by the present intent to commit another crime once inside
  5. 9. A substitute for an indictment, filed directly with the court by the prosecutor, thus bypassing the grand jury.
  6. 12. One of the two key roles of the criminal courts; to process defendants who have been arrested by the police and formally charged with criminal offenses.
  7. 14. The cause, or reason why an act is committed
  8. 15. Is a killing that occurs (1) purposefully, (2) knowingly, or (3) recklessly under circumstances exhibiting extreme indifference to human life.
  1. 1. A broad, all-inclusive term for any killing of another human being.
  2. 3. The first known written legal code. Dating back to 2076 BC. Code of ______________
  3. 4. Occurs when a jury votes unanimously that the defendant has not been proven guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” which is the burden of proof in a criminal case.
  4. 6. The legal principle that the criminal act is the act that is the cause of the harm.
  5. 7. A document that creates a government.
  6. 10. A document formally charging the defendant with a crime handed down by a grand jury after hearing the evidence presented by the prosecutor
  7. 11. When the defendant asserts he or she is not the person who committed the act charged
  8. 13. Decisions of another court or judge that the judge trying a case will rely on as justification in forming his or her decision.