Ch. 1-5 Review

  1. 1. a person who sends a message
  2. 5. the dictionary meaning that most people in a culture give to a word
  3. 11. the feelings and associations aroused by a word; the "hidden" meaning
  4. 12. a person who receives a message
  5. 14. the grouping and accenting of speech sounds
  6. 16. the windpipe
  7. 17. the use of voice variation and extraneous sounds to communicate
  8. 20. finding the meaning of verbal and nonverbal symbols
  1. 2. reinforcement of sound produced by the vibration of bone and cavity resonators
  2. 3. the upward or downward glide of pitch as a person speaks
  3. 4. the speed at which a person talks
  4. 6. the use of facial expression, eye contact, gesture, posture, and movement to communicate
  5. 7. the position of a person's body
  6. 8. the process of sharing information by using symbols to send and receive messages
  7. 9. immediate surroundings including color, sounds, and space
  8. 10. a dome-shaped muscle at the base of the lungs that plays key role in the breathing process
  9. 13. the intensity of sound
  10. 15. the spread between the lowest note and the highest note that a person can speak comfortably
  11. 18. a system of sounds and symbols used to communicate ideas and feelings
  12. 19. the process of turning ideas and feelings into verbal and nonverbal symbols