CH 1 and CH 2

  1. 2. process of using the absorbed food for growth
  2. 4. channels, to transport water and minerals, to different parts of the plant
  3. 6. tiny pores that are present on the surfaces of leaves
  4. 9. mode of nutrition in which non-green plants derive their food from other living organisms
  5. 11. green pigment present in the leaves of plants
  6. 17. organisms that can make their own food
  7. 18. process of taking in food
  8. 19. front teeth used for cutting and biting
  9. 20. breaking down of complex food into simple soluble forms with the help of digestive juices
  1. 1. white substance that covers the teeth
  2. 3. insect-eating plants
  3. 5. mode of nutrition in which organisms derive their food from dead and decaying animals
  4. 7. the living organisms from which a parasite derives its food
  5. 8. organisms that derive their food from other living organisms
  6. 10. process by which digested food passes into the blood
  7. 12. process of elimination of undigested food
  8. 13. the process by which plants make their own food
  9. 14. bag-shaped part, at the beginning of the large intestine, present in ruminants
  10. 15. the process of obtaining and utilising the food
  11. 16. pointed teeth used for tearing of food