Ch. 11 Key Terms Crossword puzzle

  1. 1. based practices/ ways of delivering service to people using scientific evidence that shows that the services actually work
  2. 3. straitjacket/ a drug that subdues a mental patient's behavior
  3. 4. of adaptation/ diseases that result from chronic exposure to excess levels of stressors, which produce a general adaptation syndrome response
  4. 5. competence/ language profiency, familiarity with cultural idioms of distress or body language
  5. 6. the nation's leading mental heath research agency
  6. 8. transferring patients from one type of public instituion to another
  7. 10. Adaptation Syndrome/ complex physiological responses resulting from exposture to stressors
  8. 12. Disorders/ health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior.
  9. 14. the first and most famous antipsychotic drug introduced in 1954 under the brand name Thorazine
  10. 17. surgical severance of nerve fibers of the brain by incision
  11. 19. the concept of equality in health care coverage for people with mental illness and those with other medical illnesses or injuries
  1. 1. Therapy/ method of treatment for mental disorders involving the adminsitration of electric current to induce a coma or convulsions
  2. 2. the process of discharging on a large scale, patients from state mental hospitals to less restrictive community settings
  3. 7. outcome sought by most people with mental illness, includes increased independance, effective coping, supportive realtionships, community particapation,etc.
  4. 9. help groups/ groups of concerned members of the community who are unity by a shared interest, concern, or deficit not shared by other members of the commmunity
  5. 11. drugs/ drugs that reduce nervous activity
  6. 12. Treatment/ treatment for mental illness based on belief that mental illness was caused by moral decay
  7. 13. or Flight Reaction/ alarm reaction that prepares one physiologically for sudden action
  8. 15. a treatment that involves verbal communication between patient and a trained clinician
  9. 16. Depression/ affective disorder characterized by a dysphoric mood
  10. 18. disorder/ an affective disorder characterized by distinct periods of elevated mood alternating with depression