Ch. 13 Crossword

  1. 3. the appointment of religious officials by kings or nobles
  2. 4. an empire established in Europe in the 10th century a.d., originally consisting mainly of lands in what is now Germany and Italy
  3. 6. the era in European history that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, lasting from about 500 to 1500—also called the medieval period
  4. 9. a medieval poet and musician who traveled from place to place, entertaining people with songs of courtly love
  5. 10. Also known as Charles the Great
  6. 12. The Church built religious communities
  7. 13. a lord’s estate in feudal Europe
  8. 16. one of the Christian ceremonies in which God’s grace is transmitted to people
  9. 18. a body of officials who perform religious services—such as priests, ministers, or rabbis
  10. 19. a Germanic people who settled in the Roman province of Gaul (roughly the area now occupied by France) and established a great empire during the Middle Ages
  1. 1. a family’s payment of one-tenth of its income to a church
  2. 2. a dynasty of Frankish rulers, lasting from a.d. 751 to 987
  3. 5. in feudal Europe, a person who controlled land and could therefore grant estates to vassals
  4. 7. a mock battle between groups of knights
  5. 8. a code of behavior for knights in medieval Europe, stressing ideals such as courage, loyalty, and devotion
  6. 11. in feudal Europe, a person who received a grant of land from a lord in exchange for a pledge of loyalty and services
  7. 14. the body of laws governing the religious practices of a Christian church
  8. 15. in medieval Europe, an armored warrior who fought on horseback
  9. 17. concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters
  10. 19. an estate granted to a vassal by a lord under the feudal system in medieval Europe