CH 13 Medieval Europe Vocabulary

  1. 5. Warrior on horseback
  2. 6. Ideas that go against church teachings
  3. 7. A "Holy War"
  4. 8. Document that placed limits on the king's power
  5. 10. A peasant who couldn't own land, move or marry
  6. 12. An agreement between the pope and a king
  7. 13. Catholic religious service
  8. 16. The study of religion
  9. 17. A word that means emperor in Russian
  10. 21. Combining faith and reason
  11. 22. Decided whether you were innocent or guilty
  1. 1. Land with water on 3 sides
  2. 2. Disease that spreads quickly and kills many people
  3. 3. Hostility towards the Jews
  4. 4. A narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs
  5. 8. A person sent out to teach help spread Christianity
  6. 9. Written in everyday language
  7. 11. Decided whether you should be accused of a crime
  8. 14. Agreement between a knight and lord
  9. 15. A political and social order in Europe
  10. 18. A low ranking noble under the protection of a feudal lord
  11. 19. A group of merchants
  12. 20. Land belonging to a vassal