Ch. 13 Vocabulary

  1. 3. basic mechanical device that changes the magnitude, direction, or distance traveled of the force used when doing work
  2. 6. simple machine that consists of a plane whose opposite ends are at different heights
  3. 9. a simple machine that consists of an inclined plane wrapped around a cone or cylinder in a spiral pattern
  4. 13. simple machine consisting of a wheel with a rod running through its axis as the pivot point
  5. 15. mechanical advantage that accounts for all mechanical losses sustained through a machine
  6. 16. the rate of doing work
  1. 1. the point about which a lever pivots or rotates
  2. 2. force that tends to cause rotation around a pivot point
  3. 4. a simple machine that consists of a rigid bar that turns around a pivot point
  4. 5. a simple machine consisting of two inclined planes attached at an acute angle and used to spread a material apart as it is forced into the material
  5. 7. machine that combines two or more simple machines
  6. 8. the mechanical advantage for an ideal machine with no friction
  7. 10. comparison of the amount of usable energy remaining after a process with the original amount of energy that went into the process
  8. 11. simple machine that consists of a wheel and axle system with a groove around the perimeter of the wheel in which a rope, cable, or belt moves with the wheel as it rotates
  9. 12. a simple machine that consists of a wheel with teeth on its perimeter that mesh with similar teeth
  10. 14. the amount by which a simple machine multiplies an input force to produce an output force
  11. 17. energy transferred to a system by an external force when it acts on the system to move it