Ch 14 - Revolution and Nationalism

  1. 3. type of economy where the government controls the economy
  2. 5. Acts that punished Indian protestors
  3. 7. last czar of Russia
  4. 8. Southwest Asian empire that collapsed following WWI
  5. 12. product found in the Middle East that was highly desired
  6. 14. founder of the Bolsheviks
  7. 15. the party that opposed the Bolsheviks
  8. 16. Length of Stalin's plans for advancement, in years
  9. 17. modern nation created from Persia
  10. 18. dictator of the Soviet Union after Lenin
  11. 20. location where people gathered to protest the Rowlatt Acts, became the site of a massacre
  12. 21. Chinese Communist leader
  13. 22. type of government-controlled farm created by USSR
  14. 23. group of revolutionary Russian Marxists
  1. 1. leader of the Indian independence movement
  2. 2. 6000 mile journey made by Chinese Communists
  3. 4. date of the Chinese protest against the Treaty of Versailles
  4. 5. Russian monk who influenced the last czar and czarina
  5. 6. a political system where the government has complete control over the lives of citizens
  6. 7. Jiang Jieshi led this Chinese political party
  7. 9. a nonviolent, public refusal to obey unjust laws
  8. 10. product that Gandhi and others went to gather in protest of British monopoly
  9. 11. Chinese leader that overthrew the last emperor
  10. 13. nickname for time when Stalin eliminated anyone who was a threat to his power
  11. 18. nation created to unify Arabia
  12. 19. nickname given to Mustafa Kemal for his actions in Turkey