CH. 17, SEC. 1 & 3 REVIEW

  1. 2. T. Roosevelt called both sides to White House to settle _____ strike
  2. 3. term (2 words) used to describe progressive reforms in the T. Roosevelt administration
  3. 4. one goal of WCTU: working for women's _____
  4. 7. T. Roosevelt's cavalry brigade in Spanish-American War
  5. 9. _____ management studies - breaking manufacturing tasks into simpler parts
  6. 11. bill originated by people rather than lawmakers
  7. 15. voters could remove public officials - forcing them to face another election
  8. 16. reform governor (of Wisconsin) who led the way regulating big business
  9. 18. Keating-Owen Act (1916) - attempted to stop ___ ____
  10. 19. Muller v. Oregon and Bunting v. Oregon limited working ____
  11. 22. The ______ by Upton Sinclair led to better food regulations
  12. 24. the banning of alcoholic beverages
  13. 26. journalists who wrote about corruption
  1. 1. wildlife ____ established by Roosevelt - environmental reform
  2. 4. Anti-_____ League - group that was pro-prohibition
  3. 5. Roosevelt saw presidency as a ____ ____ - position of influence
  4. 6. T. Roosevelt became president when Pres. _____ was assassinated
  5. 8. passage of 17th Amendment allowed for popular election of _____
  6. 10. Ida M. ____ - muckraking writer who described corruption in Rockefeller's Standard Oil Co.
  7. 12. Pure Food & Drug Act called for ____ in labeling
  8. 13. ___ Motor Co. enhanced efficiency by using assembly line
  9. 14. founded in 1909, main goal: equality among the races
  10. 17. National Reclamation Act funded large-scale _____ projects
  11. 20. vote on an initiative
  12. 21. W.E.B. ____ - founding member of the NAACP
  13. 23. T. Roosevelt served as _____ of New York.
  14. 24. national _____ established by Roosevelt - environmental reform
  15. 25. Elkins Act & Hepburn Act passed to regulate the _______ industry