Ch 17.1-2 (Mining & Railroads in the West and Ranchers & Farmers)

  1. 2. How many time zones the US is divided into
  2. 5. What cowboys called the path to get their cattle to railroads (two words)
  3. 7. The country that introduced cattle to America
  4. 8. When cattle get frightened and run
  5. 9. A town that pops up almost overnight near mining sites.
  6. 12. This Act gave settlers 160 acres of land if the settler lived on the land for five years
  7. 16. The 'Summit' where the Transcontinental Railroad met
  8. 17. When citizens take the law into their own hands.
  9. 19. A Mexican cowboy
  10. 20. Abilene was known as a "_____ Town"
  11. 21. This type of farming was when farmers tried to trap the mositure in their fields
  12. 24. Someone that tried to steal cattle
  13. 25. A railway that connects the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean
  1. 1. Financial aid and land grants
  2. 3. These bugs sometimes came in 'clouds' and could quicly destroy a field of crops
  3. 4. The Central Pacific relied on THESE immigrants to build their railway
  4. 6. The city the Union Pacific started from on their railway
  5. 10. The last open land in the US setteld during a 'Land Rush'
  6. 11. Famrers in the Great Plains relied on THIS invention (two words)
  7. 13. One of the world's richest deposits of silver-bearing ore (2 words)
  8. 14. Houses made of sod
  9. 15. The Great Plains was oringally known as "The Great American _____"
  10. 18. The city the Central Pacific started from on their railway
  11. 22. The union Pacific relied on THESE immigrants to build their railway
  12. 23. A mineral in which the gold or other valuable material is mixed with less-valuable substances
  13. 26. What railroads sold to settlers to raise money to pay for construction