Ch. 19 World War I

  1. 2. left World War I in 1917 because of a revolution
  2. 4. cause of WWI; believing one's country is best/worth fighting fo
  3. 7. headed by Herbert Hoover; regulated food usage
  4. 8. Central power that lost land in the modern Middle East
  5. 10. United States status in 1915.
  6. 12. cause of WWI; when a nation builds an empire.
  7. 14. news, posters, and media to sway opinions
  8. 16. no interference allowed in the draft; a law
  9. 19. punished by the Treaty of Versailles.
  10. 20. signed November 11, 1918; ceasefire agreement
  11. 22. required men ages 21-30 to register for military service
  12. 23. cause of WWI; build-up of weapons and military technology
  13. 24. States Joined World War in 1917
  1. 1. Democrat;Fourteen Points; U.S. President
  2. 3. restricted first amendment rights; a law
  3. 5. His assassination "sparked" the powderkeg of World War I.
  4. 6. Moving clocks an hour forward; saved resources
  5. 9. cause of WWI; agreements among countries
  6. 11. German submarines; WWI
  7. 12. promised territory when it joined the war in 1915; did not get territory after WWI.
  8. 13. agreement Germany took back when they attacked civilian ships during WWI
  9. 15. name given to the powerful delegates at Versailles in 1919
  10. 17. Treaty Germany signed in 1919
  11. 18. movement of African Americans to northern cities
  12. 21. payment for war damages