CH 20 Review 2021 DL

  1. 4. fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire (2 words)
  2. 8. Germany violated which nation's neutrality?
  3. 10. Ideas spread to influence public opinion, to change the way people think.
  4. 11. U.S. President, Wilson's plan for creating ever-lasting peace
  5. 13. In what nation were the trenches located?
  6. 14. Name of the organization responsible for the assassination of heir of Austria-Hungary
  7. 15. This telegram was intercepted which said Germany would help Mexico regain land taken by the United States
  8. 18. What empire disappeared after WWI and was broken up to create several new nations?
  9. 23. military draft
  10. 24. The aggressive preparation for war by recruiting men, building arms, ect.
  11. 25. Austria-Hungary annexed which nation that upset Serbia
  12. 26. Germany's plan to fight a two-front war with Russia & France by attacking France first then going after Russia.
  13. 29. What nation was declared responsible for beginning WWI?
  14. 30. The land in-between the trenches filled with landmines and craters.
  15. 31. June 28, 1914 the heir to Austria-Hungary was assassinated (last name)
  16. 32. Terrorist group members from this nation provoked a war to create a slavic state within the Balkans.
  17. 33. France, Britain & Russia formed the Triple _____
  1. 1. An all black regiment that were sent overseas to fight with the French, who were the most decorated men for their bravery.
  2. 2. During the ___ Genocide, the Ottoman Empire exterminated over a million Christians.
  3. 3. International peace keeping organization created by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
  4. 5. payment for damages caused during WWI
  5. 6. What nation lost the most men and land due to not being prepared for war?
  6. 7. This truce was signed on 11/11/1918 to stop fighting
  7. 9. The sinking of this vessel brought the U.S. into WWI
  8. 12. After WWI, Germany had to give up land to create what nation? (see map 1919)
  9. 16. Austria-Hungary, Germany & Italy formed the Triple ____
  10. 17. The position of not favoring or supporting either side in a dispute
  11. 19. This weapon is responsible for millions of deaths on the battlefield
  12. 20. Superior German submarines are called?
  13. 21. Germany considered the Treaty of Versailles a _ peace
  14. 22. Austria-Hungary was broken up to create ___ new nations (see map 1 & 2)
  15. 27. trench warfare led to a ___ which meant that no progress was being made.
  16. 28. This Treaty officially ended World War I.
  17. 34. The desire to create a homeland for each ethnic group sparked WWI