Ch 21 Vocabulary

  1. 3. My son tries to ________ the sound of a cat; sometimes he copies the sound so well I think there is a cat in the house.
  2. 4. That story is great, but your source sounds fake. Are you sure they are a ________source?
  3. 5. Since Dr. Goodin retired, we have an ________, temporary, superintendent until the school hires someone new.
  4. 6. After Jim left, the teacher had to choose a new hall monitor. I wonder whom she decided to ___________.
  5. 8. Please do more than a _______ job on your vocabulary packets; it is worth 100 points.
  6. 10. Sally tried a new sport and discovered her _____talent for kicking the ball.
  1. 1. Go directly to grandma's house on the path I taught you; do not _______on any side roads.
  2. 2. I did not know the music, so I had to ___________.
  3. 7. Sam spends more time at church activities than he does at __________ ones.
  4. 9. My parents are so mad at my brother they _____him when he tries to come over and visit.