Ch 25

  1. 3. Makes up 85% of nephron types
  2. 5. Kidneys receive this much % of cardiac output at rest
  3. 7. Cells that respond to changes in fluid rate and Na concentration
  4. 9. Hormone that stimulates kidneys to excrete sodium
  5. 11. Ammonia is converted into this and then excreted
  6. 13. Vessel that supplies the glomerulus
  7. 14. Where blood is filtered
  1. 1. RBCs in urine causes this
  2. 2. Nephron that extends deep into medulla
  3. 4. Protein that stimulates formation of RBCs in bone marrow
  4. 6. High concentrations of glucose can be found in the urine of those with this condition
  5. 8. Hormone similar to aldosterone that can cause water retention
  6. 10. Outer layer of kidney
  7. 11. Carry urine to the bladder for storage
  8. 12. Major regulator of blood composition