Ch 28 Vocab Puzzle

  1. 5. The form of money a country uses
  2. 6. The act of getting rid of a group of people because their religion or race is different from the majority group
  3. 9. The name of the Polish shipbuilder's union that went out on strike in 1980
  4. 12. An economic policy used by Gorbachev to encourage factories to produce the goods people wanted
  1. 1. President Truman's plan to stop the spread of Communism
  2. 2. A takeover of the government
  3. 3. The American plan to rebuild Europe after World War II
  4. 4. One-sided information meant to change people's thinking
  5. 7. The war of ideas between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II
  6. 8. A Russian word that means openness; under Gorbachev it meant openness in government
  7. 9. The act of refusing to work until certain demands are met
  8. 10. A tax that countries put on goods they import or export
  9. 11. The wall the divided the people of East and West Berlin
  10. 13. An agreement to stop a war for a time