Ch. 3 & 4 Vocabulary

  1. 3. A territory seeking Statehood is first directed to prepare a State constitution by means of a(n) ____.
  2. 4. The system of this helps keep one branch of government from dominating the actions of the others
  3. 8. Changes to the written provisions of the Constitution may be made only through the process of ____.
  4. 10. ____ provides that a State cannot take unfair advantage in its laws of the residents of another State
  5. 13. is one of the seven numbered sections of the Constitution
  6. 14. In order for a new State to be admitted to the Union, Congress must pass a(n) ____ after a State constitution has been approved by the people of the proposed State.
  7. 15. is a way to change the Constitution
  8. 16. The National Government has three types of ____ that have been granted to it in the Constitution.
  9. 17. The first ten amendments are called the ____.
  10. 18. ____ federal aid given to States and local governments with virtually no conditions attached
  1. 1. ____ those powers held by the States, not granted specifically to the National Government by the Constitution
  2. 2. A governmental action that denies someone fair and equal treatment under the law may be declared ____.
  3. 5. ____ the separation of governmental powers between the National Government and the 50 State governments
  4. 6. The Constitution provides for this by creating three distinct branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial
  5. 7. ____ those powers exercised solely by the National Government
  6. 9. carries the same force of law as a treaty
  7. 11. States receive grants of federal land under a(n) ____ for the purpose of establishing schools and colleges.
  8. 12. The government and its officers must obey this, which is another way of describing the concept of limited government