Ch. 3 Crossword- Ed. Psych

  1. 2. In which stage of Erik Erikson's theory do adolescents turn towards friends and peer groups and away from their parents?
  2. 5. Which theorist has a six stage approach about moral reasoning?
  3. 7. According to Erik Erikson's theory, in which stage numerically do students begin experiencing success and failure?
  4. 11. What is the second stage of Piaget's moral reasoning theory?
  5. 13. Kohlberg probed children's responses to a series of situations, otherwise known as what?
  6. 14. Bronfenbrenner created what model to describe how family, school, community, and cultural factors affect child's development?
  7. 15. How do children develop their personality and linguistic, cognitive, and social skills during preschool years?
  1. 1. In what stage of Erik Erikson's theory do children develop a sense of independence?
  2. 3. What are voluntary actions towards one another such as caring?
  3. 4. How many stages are in Erik Erikson's theory on psychosocial development?
  4. 6. Erikson's theory fails to explain how or why individuals _________ from one stage to another.
  5. 8. In Piaget's theory of moral development, ____________ morality refers to inflexible rules made by others.
  6. 9. Kohlberg's theory on moral development is criticized because he only studied _________ when doing his research.
  7. 10. Kohlberg's theory on moral development is broken into how many categories?
  8. 12. What is the first category of Kohlberg's theory on moral development?