ch 38 radiography

  1. 4. the ability to do work
  2. 6. process by which electrons are removed from atoms causing the harmful effects of radiation in humans
  3. 9. a device used to detect and measure an accumulated dosage of radiation
  4. 10. exposures should be kept as low as reasonable achievable
  5. 11. xrays at the center of the beam
  6. 12. image produced on photosensitive film by exposing the film to radiation and then processing it.
  7. 15. effects of radiation that cause illness and are responsible for poor health
  8. 19. the blurred or indistinct area that surrounds an image
  9. 20. proportional enlargement of an image
  10. 21. negative electrode in the xray tube
  11. 23. a minute bundle of pure energy that has no weight or mass
  12. 24. anything that occupies space and has form or shape
  1. 1. forms of waves of energy emission through space or material
  2. 2. time between exposure to ionizing radiation and appearance of symptoms
  3. 3. the process of recording images of teeth and adjacent structures by exposure to x-radiation
  4. 5. change in the size of an image caused by incorrect vertical angulation
  5. 7. effects of radiation that are passed on to future generations through genetic cells
  6. 8. device used to protect the reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation
  7. 13. differences in degrees of blackness on an image
  8. 14. the most penetrating beam produced at the target of the anode
  9. 16. a measure of how well an image reproduces the fine details or outline of an object
  10. 17. portion of the xray unit that contains the master switch, indicator light and buttons
  11. 18. positive electode in the xray tube
  12. 22. basic unit of matter