Ch. 4, 5, 6

  1. 1. Redistributes air turbulence at the tips of wings
  2. 2. Pronounced hypothermia in which birds are unresponsive to most stimuli; regulates a lower body temperature
  3. 3. Feather replacement must be performed in this type of sequence to maintain flight ability
  4. 5. Type of flying without flapping, thermal or slope form
  5. 8. Hairlike feathers that monitor movement and position of adjacent vaned feathers
  6. 10. Outer flight feathers of the wing
  7. 11. Some carotenoid pigments also have this, humans can’t see it (2 words)
  8. 16. Inner flight feathers of the wing
  9. 20. The minimum energy requirements of resting birds fasting at non stressful or thermoneutral temperatures (3 words)
  10. 21. Near terminus of digestive system, bacteria ferment/digest here, aids water absorption
  11. 22. Organ that chemically digests food before mechanical digestion
  12. 23. Muscle fibers that provide short term power
  1. 1. Muscle that lifts wing on recovery stroke
  2. 4. Forward force that counters forces of turbulence and friction
  3. 6. Muscle that pulls wings down in power stroke; attaches to furcula and strong membrane between coracoids and furcula
  4. 7. Upward air pressure force that counters gravity
  5. 9. Replacement of plumage that can’t take place at the same time as breeding or migration
  6. 12. Muscle fibers that use oxidative metabolism of sugars and fats
  7. 13. Where air is held at different points while passing through bird’s respiratory system (2 words)
  8. 14. Number that defines optimum rates of wing motions to affect flight efficiency
  9. 15. Primary protein in feathers (2 words hyphen omitted, no space)
  10. 17. Fluffy plumulaceous feathers
  11. 18. Organ that mechanically digests food
  12. 19. A principle → fast-moving air produces less pressure against surface than slow-moving air