ch 4

  1. 1. doctrine - A nonaggressor is not required to retreat from his or her home if attacked.
  2. 4. defense- A defense that results in the defendant being acquitted of the crime.
  3. 5. of limitations - The maximum amount of time allowed by law to seek prosecution for certain crimes or offenses.
  4. 7. of others- A justification defense in which a person is justified using force to protect another from the unlawful use of force by an aggressor.
  5. 8. defense - A defense that results in the defendant being convicted of a lesser crime, but do not result in an acquittal.
  6. 9. modification - A modification of a criminal offense that shields the defendant from criminal liability.
  7. 10. defense - Defenses unrelated to the elements of the crime or the defendant’s alleged fault or guilt.
  8. 13. of proof defense- A defendant’s acquittal is the result of the prosecution failing to prove one or more of the elements of a crime or leaving reasonable doubt in the mind of the jury.
  9. 15. defenses -A group of defenses in which the defendant admits what he did was wrong but claims he should be excused from criminal liability based on the circumstances.
  10. 16. your ground rule - A legal principle that does not require a person to retreat if that person is the victim of an unprovoked attack
  1. 1. -A justification defense in which the victim voluntarily agrees to physical contact with the defendant, such as in some rape defenses
  2. 2. - A justification defense in which the defendant is permitted to act in order to prevent imminent death or bodily harm.
  3. 3. defenses-- A group of defenses in which the defendant claims that his actions were right or justified based on the circumstances.
  4. 6. minimus infraction defense -A defense that prevents conviction if the defendant’s actions were so trivial or minor in relation to the intent of the criminal law.
  5. 11. or choice of evils defense- A justification defense in which the defendant commits a crime out of necessity or to avoid a greater evil.
  6. 12. my day laws- State laws that provide homeowners with considerable latitude to use force to defend their dwelling from unauthorized intruders.
  7. 14. enforcement defense- A defense available to police or other authorized agents for actions committed in the course of law enforcement.