Ch 7 Language

  1. 3. stating ideas briefly and concisely
  2. 6. a brief interruption, often used for emphasis or to clarify a point
  3. 8. the specialized technical words of a specific job, hobby, or social group
  4. 9. the repetition of the same vowel sound
  5. 12. a word or phrase with meaning beyond its literal sense
  6. 14. similar to parallel structure except that the words paired together result in the contrast of ideas
  7. 16. the way something is said or done rather than what it said or done
  8. 18. the way a word is said, the seech sounds that are used in saying a word
  9. 19. clearness
  10. 20. The arrangement of sentences so that the words and phrases in them echo each other in length and structure
  11. 27. question a question for which the speaker does not expect an answer
  12. 28. a variety of language with its own special characteristics of pronunciation, vocabulary , and syntax
  1. 1. exaggeration
  2. 2. the direct meaning of a word; the dictionary definition of a word
  3. 4. Language that is suited to situation, purpose and audience
  4. 5. reversing the usual word order of a sentence
  5. 7. the way that words and phrases are put together to form sentences
  6. 9. the repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the beginning of words
  7. 10. a set of beliefs about what is right and wrong
  8. 11. the meaning a word suggests; a word’s associations
  9. 13. a speaker’s attitude toward subject and attitude
  10. 15. comparison between two unlike things using the words like or so
  11. 17. repeating a sound, word, phrase, or idea
  12. 21. reference to literature, religion, mythology, or history
  13. 22. a positive term used to replace one that could be considered more offensive or negative
  14. 23. stating one thing while intending to mean its opposite
  15. 24. a comparison between unlike things that uses a form of the verb to be. A metaphor states or impolies that something is something else
  16. 25. beauty of expression; speaking with grace means stating your ideas in an appealing, skillful manner
  17. 26. all of the various words used by an individual