Introduction to Criminal Law

  1. 1. a person who voluntarily helps another person commit a crime; is usually present or directly aids in the crime.
  2. 2. the legal responsibility for damage or injury even if you are not negligent.
  3. 4. a criminal offense, less serious than a felony, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less.
  4. 8. the Latin term used by lawyers when they discuss the requirement for a guilty state of mind.
  5. 9. a person who orders the crime to be committed or helps to commit it without being present.
  6. 12. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year.
  7. 13. the conditions that make an act unlawful.
  8. 14. the person who commits a crime.
  1. 1. a person who, knowing a crime has been committed, helps the principal or accomplice avoid capture or escape.
  2. 3. a person who solicits or asks, commands, urges or advises another person to commit a crime.
  3. 5. crimes that are committed before or in preparation for committing another crime.
  4. 6. failing to perform an act required by criminal law.
  5. 7. the act of unlawful sexual intercourse by an adult with someone under the age of consent, even if the minor is a willing and voluntary participant in the sexual act.
  6. 10. an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime along with a substantial act toward committing the crime.
  7. 11. an effort to commit a crime that goes beyond mere preparation but does not result in the commission of the crime.