Ch 8 Earth-Space

  1. 4. Chemicals that cause solids to clump together in water treatment.
  2. 8. Chemicals that kill microbes
  3. 10. Constant movement of water.
  4. 12. Small holes that exist between grains in a rock or sediment.
  5. 15. Water that exists in the ground.
  6. 16. Where so much water enters a stream that it overflows its banks.
  7. 17. Changes liquid water to vapor.
  8. 20. Release of water vapor from the leaves of plants.
  9. 23. High walls that keep a stream within its banks during a flood.
  10. 24. Water with a low concentration of salt.
  1. 1. Process in which water falls from the atmosphere.
  2. 2. Tiny water particles that are grouped together in the atmosphere.
  3. 3. Large body of freshwater drained by a stream.
  4. 5. Large sheets of slow, flowing ice.
  5. 6. Methods for bringing water to crops.
  6. 7. A storage location for water.
  7. 9. To use less of something.
  8. 11. Changes water vapor to liquid water.
  9. 13. H20.
  10. 14. A long period of lower that normal rainfall.
  11. 18. Irrigation method where a small amount of water is delivered directly to a plant, through pipes or tubes.
  12. 19. Organisms that cause disease.
  13. 21. underground layer of porous rock or soil that is saturated with groundwater.
  14. 22. Where a stream begins.