- 2. someone who travels to unclaimed territory to settle
- 4. to gain from
- 7. A difficulty
- 8. A period of low economic activity and high unemployment
- 9. An administrative unit or division of land in Texas, similar to a territory
- 10. To become smaller
- 12. a person who shares in a business
- 13. to measure the boundaries of something such as land
- 14. A white person living in the United States and who is not Hispanic.
- 1. Unwillingness; lack of enthusiasm
- 3. Someone who believes n sharing power between the states and national government
- 5. The Spanish word for a land agent whose job it is to bring new settlers to an area
- 6. Someone who believes power should be concentrated in the national government
- 10. the money, property and goods a bride's family gives her groom upon marrige
- 11. A group of citizens acting as a military force
- 12. Top quality; the best