ch2 law

  1. 2. an entire industry regulation of itself, as opposed to government regulation of the businesses in the industry
  2. 6. a systematic statement of right and wrong together with a philosophical system that both justifies and necessitates rules of conduct
  3. 7. the values of right and wrong
  4. 8. in philosophy the moral goals and objectives that people choose to pursue
  5. 10. a set of beliefs urging human desire and indulgence be bent to Gods will through hard work, self denial, and rational planning
  6. 11. a theory by John Rawls that proposes a way for constructing a just society
  7. 12. an ethical system that affirms an absolute morality --also called deontology--
  1. 1. ethical theory that asserts that in order to be ethical, a business must take into consideration not only the making of a profit, but the impacts of the business on all interests that are affected by the business
  2. 3. a concept by the philosopher Kant that a person should never act in a certain way unless he or she is willing to have everyone act in the same way
  3. 4. a legal obligation imposed by the law
  4. 5. an ethical system that concerns itself with the moral consequences of actions --also called teleology--
  5. 9. a form of consequentialist ethics