Ch.3 &Ch.4 Vocabulary

  1. 4. giving money
  2. 5. Trading cities
  3. 10. Golden horde
  4. 12. oral traditions
  5. 14. trading city
  6. 15. adopt Mongol policies
  7. 16. submit or city will be destroyed
  8. 17. blood bond
  9. 20. large city in Americas
  10. 21. Iranian empire
  11. 22. Europeans
  12. 23. transportation on land
  13. 25. fall of Han dynasty
  14. 27. Chinese emperor
  15. 29. Mongol led Chinese dynasty
  16. 33. Mali king
  17. 35. Japanese Buddhism
  18. 36. enabled Russians to break Mongol
  19. 38. West Africa
  20. 39. Chinese naval fleet
  21. 41. in China
  22. 43. bacteria caused black death
  23. 45. communication with Europeans
  24. 46. trading human labor
  25. 47. below Sahara desert
  26. 49. Abbasid Caliphate
  27. 50. served specific social function
  28. 51. connected ocean and land routes
  1. 1. after Yuan
  2. 2. child bearing
  3. 3. utilized ocean trade routes
  4. 6. from Morocco
  5. 7. Pillar in India
  6. 8. paper money
  7. 9. blend on Confucianism/Buddhism
  8. 11. right path of follower
  9. 13. Indonesian dynasty
  10. 18. livestock
  11. 19. On horse
  12. 20. architecture in chaco canyon
  13. 24. Mongol ruler
  14. 26. burning of naval fleet
  15. 28. emigrants
  16. 30. capital of Mongol empire
  17. 31. multicultural technologies
  18. 32. naval vessels
  19. 34. trading strait
  20. 37. system of communication
  21. 40. city in Zimbabwe
  22. 42. invasion tactic
  23. 44. language in Swahili states
  24. 48. Buddhist temple