CH7 Skeletal System

  1. 3. The central, hollowed-out area in the shaft of a long bone (two words, no spaces)
  2. 8. A bone cell
  3. 9. A dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones and serves as an attachment for tendons
  4. 10. Classification of bones, bones thin, flattened, and usually curved (two words, no spaces)
  5. 11. Classification of bones, vertebrae and facial bones (two words, no spaces)
  6. 13. The soft connective tissue within the medullary cavity of bones, stores fat, stem cells, and creates red blood cells (two words, no spaces)
  7. 14. Classification of bones, cube shaped bones of the wrist and ankle (two words, no spaces)
  8. 15. Layer of bone tissue that has many small spaces and is found just inside the layer of compact bone (two words, no spaces)
  1. 1. Covers the surfaces of bones where they come together to form joints (two words, no spaces)
  2. 2. A structural unit of compact bone consisting of a central canal surrounded by concentric cylindrical lamellae of matrix
  3. 4. The major calcium salt in bones (two words, no spaces)
  4. 5. Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of a bone (two words, no spaces)
  5. 6. The formation of bone tissue
  6. 7. Classification of bones, round bones found near joints (e.g., the patella) (two words, no spaces)
  7. 12. Classification of bones, bones that are longer than they are wide (two words, no spaces)