Changes at work

  1. 5. to make or produce things
  2. 6. this was needed to make machines run
  3. 7. the industrial revolution started here
  4. 10. when backbreaking work is done by hand it is called (2 words)
  5. 11. a change that affected the way people earned a living (2 words)
  6. 13. when you use money to help build a factory you have _______ your money
  7. 14. group of people united in making money
  8. 15. group of people united in protecting workers
  9. 16. steam ____________ began to move goods and people in the 1830's
  10. 18. wood or coal used to power new machines
  1. 1. man-made ditches used to get goods to and from the factory
  2. 2. the system where money is used by businessmen to make more money
  3. 3. the act of moving goods or people
  4. 4. coal and iron are ____ ________ needed for making things (2 words)
  5. 8. this replaced water as power for the new machines (2 words
  6. 9. when goods are mass produced in an assembly line (2 words)
  7. 12. the steam engine and the seed drill are examples of these
  8. 17. places where goods are sold