Changing Earth's Surface

  1. 4. the pulling force at a divergent boundary
  2. 6. the mountains that forms as this lava builds up and cools
  3. 14. is the repture and sudden movement of rocks along a break or a crack in Earth's crust
  4. 15. where plates slide horizontally past each other
  5. 17. the process of breaking rocks into small pices without changing the compostion of the rocks
  6. 18. ash small pieces of lava
  7. 19. is the moving of waethered material, or sediment, from one location to another
  8. 21. long streams of molten rocks
  1. 1. the process of changing the compostion of rocks and minerals by exposure to water and the atmosphere
  2. 2. the minerals and small pices of rocks
  3. 3. process of laying down eroded mineral in new location.
  4. 5. the hypothesis that continents move
  5. 7. where two plates move apart from each other
  6. 8. creates a large depression in the center of the volcanic
  7. 9. states that Earth's crust is broken into rigid plates that move slowly over Earth's surface
  8. 10. refers to the processes that breaks down rockss, changing Earth's surface over time
  9. 11. the area where one plate slides under another
  10. 12. the squeezing force at a convergent boundary
  11. 13. where two plates move from toward each other
  12. 16. the side-by-side dragging force at transform boundaries
  13. 20. locations wheree volcanoes form far from plate boundaries
  14. 22. the surface along which the crust moves