Changing nations

  1. 3. a person who moves from one place to another
  2. 5. country areas outside of a city
  3. 8. the country we all live in
  4. 11. relates to trade, industry, and and commerce
  5. 12. migration within our own country (2)
  6. 13. the action of leaving one country for another
  7. 15. relating to the natural world
  8. 17. migration from another country(2)
  9. 18. people leaving this country to return home
  1. 1. action of coming to live in another place
  2. 2. our capital city
  3. 4. city and suburban areas of a major town
  4. 6. people arriving from other cities or countries
  5. 7. to move from one place to another to find work
  6. 9. these cities have more than 10 million people
  7. 10. contains the business & commercial areas of a town
  8. 14. relating to society
  9. 16. arriving from one country to another